Friday, November 27, 2009

Choose your Domain Name Wisely

A name can break a website. I am of course talking about a domain name.

You might think it's nothing to it. Choose a catchy domain name that rolls off the tongue, sure, that he is available and if they go ahead and buy it. It could not harder, can it?

Well, it can. Just stop and think for a minute. You have created the domain name, and have built a great looking website, and ran it fromon the great World Wide Web. You have a great Reciprocal Link Exchange has on your site and you have achieved a reasonable Google Page Rank.

Then you have decide to get an auto responder to have a mailing list, and that's when you start your worries! Let me tell you my story ...

I do not know if you have heard of Stone Evans - The Home Biz Guy? He leads the Plug in Profit Site. So I bought into his business. I had to decide on a domain name, before I built myWebsite. I chose the name I thought that kind of cool, like my name was Martin, and my site would be advertising offers.

A part of the Plug in Profit Site is that you get your own auto responders, with a 360-day newsletter ready when you are full participants. I went ahead and have a good quality leads package and loaded them into my auto-responder.

Everything was good. Or so I thought.

After a while I noticed I was not alwaysResponse from my good quality leads (on average, you should sign up about 1%) at least expect. I have to, especially in the Warrior Forum, which in the membership package of plug-in Profit Site is. Then I saw a series of posts on the American anti-spam laws and the impact it had with the newsletter.

With the auto responder, there was a spam-check program. I had never previously used, but I ran a few sample newsletter about the spam-checking. Boy,I, for a shock. Each individual has to pass the exam. Your auto responder is probably like most others, it has a scoring system and if it will get 5 flags up the fact that your newsletter will trigger the spam filters.

What bothered me most that my domain name that was scoring the most, 4.3 points each time was mentioned. And 2.3 points, because my e-mail address

Even with only a single word newsletter scored 6.6. Well above the threshold.

The cost to me to register as a result of this not just to a new domain name. I had my website complete with my new name to make it again. "Cancel" and open a new account with my auto-responder. And start again with my Reciprocal Links Exchange.

I also have to start again from scratch using the Google search rankings. And I have a domain name, the next one is useless,me or anyone for that matter. I use it now on the market meant for to my new website.

So, that's my story and be my warning.

Before you go, and a new domain name, run it through a spam check. When you are on your site for marketing the last thing you want to use for the spam filter to stop your e-mail to get through.

Martin Wood

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