Saturday, February 13, 2010

How To Sell Your Book On The Web

They have the Internet available, and the Internet is the place to be on the ebooks purchased, 99 percent of the time. The rest of the eBook are sold at conferences and the like on CD-ROM (which incidentally, packed with great cover and delivered in a shiny crystal case).

Get a presence on the Internet

You need some web space for your book. You can pay either a host or to the free hosting service.

There are many providers offree web pages and a quick Google on "free web hosting" it is clear that the amount of page after page of the manufacturer.

But some of the services are unreliable, have annoying pop-ups or other advertising, or have strict requirements, and what you can not sell something.

If you get something for nothing but a good starting point is your own Internet Service Provider (ISP). Some ISPs like AOL, MSN, Earthlink, Road Runner may or free web space as part of the monthlySubscription.

Other free web hosting services, it is not possible to use your own domain name. Besides the annoying ads and rules, is not to use the domain name, a huge reason to free hosts.

You can purchase a domain name to match the title of your ebook or the name of your company easily by any number of services. This should not cost more than $ 20 per year, not more pay. Some fee -Website hosting your domain name for you please register as part of their pricing.

To get your own domain name show up when you can use your ISP or other free web host, you'll be forwarding services, the user to buy your free web host if the user in your domain name. This is the $ 10 to $ 50 per year. Not worth it. You pay for the service, but still the annoying advertisements and rules from the freeHost provider. Not the best of both world.

I recommend paying for web hosting service. Above all, it's pretty cheap. You can have your own Web page with tracking features for around $ 20 - $ 30 per month. You have enough space for a library full of your own ebooks store, if you want. And you can use your own domain name.

And if and when you add more ebooks in your library, then you should consider forwarding services as necessary, asYou can sell direct traffic to your best ebook site.

Designing Your Site

Next, you should get up to your page. You can rent - there are literally thousands of web designers out there - you pay $ 150 for his help on a page or two and up to $ 5,000 for a complicated series of pages with windows and graphics.

The search for a web designer's online much of the old old. What is an Internet search, or ask one of your friends for technicalRecommendations. Use the home page design software based on your web host, or just the web-host-fee paying designer.

What I recommend that you tap into your eBook cover artist. Once you reach this point, you can get some additional advice and help from them. Ask if they also web page design, or if you can reference on well with someone.

Novice Web Designer software such as MS Word or FrontPage.

Experienced Web designers can MacromediaFireworks to Dreamweaver or any other package.

In any case, outsourcing your web design, first, at least for the ebook. This is worth the money, in the same way that the setting is a ghost writer and cover artist worth the money. After their first outsourced Web site, and some time on the road, if you have more time on your hands, you can learn a bit about web design. Then you can copy the page that you were professionally designed and use it as a template for self-design for additional pagesnew ebooks that you create.

Format your ebook

There are two popular ebook formats, EXE and PDF. These formats relate to the type of electronic file your eBook. One type has. Exe after the filename, and the other has. Pdf format for a filename.

If your ghostwriter has already put your ebook into one of these formats, then you're all set. If your ebook is in a word processing file available, then you must convert it either EXE or PDF will. You can buy the softwareA. exe file, or you can purchase or use free software to make the text into a. convert pdf file.

First, the two options. Pdf results in a smaller file. In this way, buyers can switch to a faster download of your book will have. Secondly, it can. Pdf files easily with free software to read either a PC or Mac. Third. Pdf conversion software is not very expensive and there are even free versions that you can use. Most of the free versions work really well if all containing your eBook that is text.However, the free converters tend to contain popup advertisements.

A free, ad-free, basic converter is Adobe PDF Online service directly from Adobe, the father of. Pdf generators and readers. There are others you can find through the Web search.

For a small fee of $ 20 you can recruit some of the free. Pdf conversion services and programs eliminated.

To be able to convert every bell and whistle in your eBook. Pdf, you can purchase program from Adobedo so at a price of over $ 200. This may be necessary if your eBook is unusual for an animated film clips or other technical characteristics. Free or cheap Converter converts your text.

Basically your will. Pdf file to look like your printed pages

would look like. Converters abundance, and therefore free, or you can buy a converter, the only thing you for a fraction of the $ 200 you pay for every bell and whistle need to fear.

Someebook authors prefer. exe file because they may introduce additional flexibility, beautiful graphics conversion and other functions. Most. Exe converter or services cost a bit, and honestly, then you probably do not need these features.

First, most ebook readers only want to read your book and are not very strange, with details to be impressed not presented in the paper book, with the exception of hyperlinks. Secondly. Exe files only viewable on PCs, so right away youMac lose potential customers.

You can, of course, put your ebook on the web as an MS Word file. This leads to a cumbersome download and then your customers have a similar program in order to have read your book. Some word-processing files for faster downloads with programs to be compressed. But it is still not the problem of your readers need MS Word or similar software acquired to read your book.

You can put your eBook on the web. Html format so that it can behow to read a web page. Some word processing programs have html converter that you can try. For me this is going an extra effort, you do not currently need. Take advantage of the easier route -. Pdf.

Get ready to to accept credit cards

By and large, your ebook buyer wants to pay by credit card. Finally, the benefits of ebooks is that they are terribly easy to get. Just enter your credit card number and a few moments you're reading through a great book!

Youshould include an e-mail box where visitors can send a check for your ebook, but that is only to show that you address in a.

It adds credibility to expect, but do not lots of jobs, if any, through this channel. In fact, if you can pay only a postal address and you can offer your customers the ability to click and with a credit card, you expect to lose 95 percent of your customers. However, the address presented on the website and process orders that come in thisWay. Use a field that is not your personal residence for reasons of personal safety.

Services abundance, accept credit card payments, and send the money.

A common one Paypal. Paypal and most other services are charged an upfront fee and percentage, but the fees are reasonable. Get set up at once. You want to buy your customers immediately. A few other online credit card services are listed in the last chapter.

Upload your information to theweb

You should upload all relevant information ebook on your website, including your eBook covers, the ebook itself, a link to order and pay for your ebook, and your sales letter.

To charge from your computer on the World Wide Web, you need an FTP program. Most web hosting services you will need the software to do this is, and provides clear instructions. If your service does not help you FTP, you can purchase or use a free FTP program such asThe software, which tend to Ipswitch web designers to use in general, comes with FTP functionality.

Create a great sales letter for your book

The web page for your ebook should be an advertisement that is immediately visible. In fact, you need your website really not much more contained, if you want to use additional pages for other purposes.

Here are the components of a great sales letter.

1. a catchy headline.

2. A list of amazing benefits for theReaders. Tell visitors, which solves a problem or improve your ebook like they their lives.

3. testimonials. Have quotes from people who write the book, or by persons who know you and are ready for something big on your website you read.

4. Warranty.

5. a link to a sample chapter.

6. a link to purchase the ebook.

7. the price. Going rates are $ 5.95 to $ 19.95.

8. four pages in length.

9. a narrow side with wide margins slightlyReading.

10. dark text on a white or light background for easy reading.

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