Friday, April 16, 2010

Make Money with Domain Parking

My previous post about domain names, was very popular because of my statistics visitings shows.

Another way to make money with domain parking is a domain parking company. Companies like Sedo offer you to park your domain for free sponsor and providing their advertisements, so that when someone visits your domain, they will see, Your advertisement placed by. Sedo will list your name for the sale, if you want (also free). The only thing youhave to do to us is your domain name to a specific address, which you get when Sedo to register with you.

They offer all the ads you display your name is on the domain, and no action on your Control Panel, you will need to be made, except for the transfer of your domain registrar which is usually done yours. After setting up the domain manages the ads will be displayed automatically every time someone visits your domain.

If the visitorClicks on the ads, you pay a commission topic name (which is always the average of five cents per click, depending on the area 's). So imagine, with 10,000 visitors per day, and say 3000 click on an ad .. You'll get $ 150 just for doing nothing. Sounds good:) huh? Well .. It is not so simple. To day, thousands of visitors to your domain, you must work hard on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and God knows,What other things.

10k visits a day is a pretty decent number of visitors of a website. The point here is if you get a damn good clicks names registered (good word) you should at little or no problem if you park all your page with someone for who pays the most difficult task is getting some visitors to the domain.

If you really want to make money with domain parking, you should register domains related to business. I talkAbout good name but. I personally own 6 business domains and have them parked with Sedo. In my experience with domain parking, business and banking district Domains pay about $ 0.35 - $ 1.20 per click! I have worked hard optimization of these areas, apparently those types of clicks are worth the hard work. I get around 400-500 visits per day on each domain and the click-through rates range from 18% to 25%, which is not all bad.

Talking in dollars and cents, which isabout $ 65 - $ 100 per day. It cost me about 9 months SEO for traffic received this kind of, but again much of its emphasis on the quality of your domain name.

Thanks To : cheap jewelry debt-assistance iburst

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