Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is There Money to Be Made on Domain Names in Other Languages Than English?

You bet there is! German, French and Spanish are three of the most popular languages for domain names other than English. In the past year, for example, SeeRiese.De sold for $82,110; the name means "cruise" in German. There were a number of other domains sold in German, but my favorite is The name is twenty-four letters long and went for $118,400 dollars; it means "search engine optimization." Interestingly, I didn't stumble across any domain names in German that didn't use the .De extension, which is partly explained by the fact that .De is the most popular of all country code extensions. I even found an English word that had been attached to the German extension for big bucks: "hardware" became hardware.De for $148,000.

In French the most expensive domain sale I could find was-appropriately-Sexe.Org, which went for $151,400. Guess what the name means. The French word for life insurance, "Assurance Vie" was found in two names for $43,500 each: AssuranceVie.Com and Assurance-Vie.Com (the hyphen certainly didn't hold this domain back). Note that unlike the expensive German names, which were the "ccTLD" .De extensions, the French domain names were generics, .Com and .Org.

Spanish speakers, like the French, seemed to prefer the generics. Pisos.Net went for $187,500 and means "apartment" in Spanish; Casas.Net, which as most every gringo knows, means "house," went for $120,930. Descargar.Net (download) sold for $46,200.

While German, French and Spanish made the greatest share of aftermarket sales, other languages did appear in the six-figure category., for example, "games" in Swedish, went for $266,000. GaoKao.Com, a Romanized way to say "China's college entrance exam," took in a whopping $555,951. Eastern Europe is getting into the act too, with Kino.Pl, "cinema" in Polish, going for $43,000.

English words still dominate the list, but as this article has shown, there's money to be made everywhere in Domain Land.

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