Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How To Find Expired Domain Names

Most sources indicate that there is more than 90,000 domain names deleted every day. That is a huge number of domains you would have to cross to gems that you might be interested to find in the registry. If your time and try to do this by trying to register domains to a domain, you become discouraged and get up quite quickly.

So you need a plan to do name searches of daily expired domain.

First, you have to find BulkSources of expired domain names. I find the lists to odditysoftware quite good for this purpose. Of course there are others. Usually, the sites, the list of expiring bulk lists / expired domains that you are filtering the lists by date, alphabetically and some also offer a feature to allow lists of character length filter.

Once you have your bulk list of domains, you should head on over to Moniker, EuroDNS or scroll to another Registrar, and by their massRegistration Tool.

Select and copy a list of domains from your bulk expired domain source website.

Once copied, paste the list of domains into your Moniker bulk registration tool. Some lists may have to clean up before you attempt the bulk registration. Hit the register, to filter through this list. (Note: the reason you do this, is that almost all the lists have probably already expired, that have domains domain was snapped up by speculators is ... the registry with a bulk tool tries. And in any case, even when all of them available, you can always empty your shopping cart when you confirm which domains are available. )

Copy the available domain names document is returned by Moniker's Bulk Registration Tool in a text. Repeat the above procedure. After a while you will register to have compiled an extensive list of expired domain names that are available.

Ok, so you have a filtered list of expired> Register domain names that are available. Many of these domains are available for a good reason - they are simply not good enough to sign up. But some of these domain names can prove to be quite good.

Your next step is to visually document the reading of your text. See if you can detect a sense of domain names that contain keywords or just strikes you as cool interesting. The visual filter process can take anywhere50-20 minutes.

Cut these domain names from your text document and paste them into a new, filtered text document - your expired domain short list.

Once your visual examination is over, you have two text documents. A shortlist of your domains and one with all the available domains.

Before you ditch your long list of available domains, run it on a tool such as the
Link Popularity Checker[Http: / / www.tucows.com/preview/247992.com] to see if any of the domains existing connections. You could
You will notice that some areas - although ugly - the quality backlinks that makes them worth registry have indicated.

As for your shortlist of domains, you can run it via the link popularity check tool to help you decide which to register.

In addition to checking backlinks, you can use a tool like to see Wordz how popular and sought after the domain keywords are popularamong Web users. This can help to decide which of your shortlisted
to register domains.

Thanks To : toshiba laptop computers christmas bells

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